
Boge Golf and I AM ALS: Keep Swinging

I AM ALS is teaming up with Boge Golf to tackle ALS one swing at a time. Founded in 2021, Boge Golf is a golf apparel brand representing all golfers who score above par. It is a community-based brand encouraging golfers, amateur or experienced, to enjoy the beautiful game despite their skill level. 

Lucas Bartlett and Curt Whigham, co-founders of Boge Golf, have been directly impacted by ALS. Curt’s father, John Whigham, was diagnosed with ALS on March 1st, 2022. Upon learning about John’s diagnosis, Lucas and Curt knew they wanted to make a contribution to the growing ALS movement. This is why Boge Golf has teamed up with I AM ALS to launch the Keep Swinging campaign. This campaign was born out of how the Whigham family faces the challenges of life and ALS. They “keep swinging,”  which means forging on and finding joy and pleasure in life, despite its many obstacles. They hope this campaign encourages others to do the same.

So what is the campaign exactly? 

The Keep Swinging campaign brings awareness to ALS, highlights the experiences of people who have been impacted by ALS, raises funds to keep the movement going, and shows how people living with and impacted by ALS adapt to challenges. 

This campaign will feature stories of real people living with and impacted by ALS, Boge merchandise co-branded with I AM ALS to raise money for the cause, and a new ALS social media challenge.

Part of the Keep Swinging campaign is the #Swing4ALS Challenge, which encourages participants to show off their unique swing in a video, post on social media using #Swing4ALS, and nominate others to participate in the challenge. In the spirit of the flexibility and adaptability of the ALS community, your swing can be creative. Whether you want to make a golf swing, swing on the swingset, drive your wheelchair in circles, or take a whack at a piñata, all swings are welcome!

For step-by-step instructions on how to make your video, click here.

There are also additional ways to be part of this campaign:

  1. Buy I AM ALS and Boge Golf co-branded gear. 40% of the proceeds go to I AM ALS! 
  2. Tweet about it! Here’s a sample tweet, or you can write your own! Make sure to tag Boge Golf and I AM ALS in your posts.
    • Help me, @bogegolf & @iamalsorg take down ALS one swing at a time by joining the Keep Swinging Campaign! Learn more here.
  3. Print off this flier and post it everywhere!
  4. Donate to I AM ALS on this page and help Boge Golf support people living with and impacted by ALS and fuel the movement to end ALS 

For detailed information about the campaign and how to get involved, click here.

Watch Curt and Lucas explain the campaign themselves in this video.

Check out some of Curt and Lucas’s unique swings.


Need some extra #Swing4ALS inspiration? Check out some of our ALS advocates’ swings here:

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