
#ALSinDC 2023 Virtual Gallery

The #ALSinDC Flag Event for ALS Awareness Month this year was so incredibly powerful. 6,000 flags planted, hundreds of attendees on site, dozens of stories told — none of which would have been possible without the tireless efforts of the ALS community. Your willingness to bear your hearts to one another, to be open and vulnerable but also fierce and passionate, has inspired your fellow humans to dream bigger and better for ALS. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you to those who participated virtually. Whether you watched the live stream on our Instagram page, posted about the event on social media, or submitted a loved one’s name for a flag, this also would not have been remotely possible without you. We hope this webpage will convey the magic of the event. Please enjoy this gallery “walkthrough” of some select photos from the event.


Photos from the #ALSinDC Flag Event

Photos were taken of all flags by volunteers. They are now available here.

Each file will have the same name as the person’s name on the flag. Find a specific flag by searching for the name that you are looking for. Click CTRL + F on your computer and enter the person’s name. Note: The page will need to load all of the flags in order to search properly, so be sure to scroll down within the folder until new photos stop loading.

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