
Test Your ALS Knowledge

Alright, Einstein. Let’s test your ALS knowledge by taking this “What is ALS?” quiz

According to a 2018 poll, more than 60% of Americans knew nothing about ALS. How do you measure up?

Test your knowledge


ALS, otherwise known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrig's disease, is contagious

Correct! Wrong!

ALS is a disease that attacks cells in the body that control movement. It is a neurodegenerative disease, meaning cells of the nervous system -- neurons -- die over time. In ALS, this makes the brain stop talking to the muscles, causing increased paralysis over time.

ALS can affect anyone, anywhere, at any age

Correct! Wrong!

ALS can affect anyone, anywhere, at any age, with no racial, ethnic or socioeconomic boundaries. The majority of ALS cases (90-95%) have no family history of the disease. It occurs most frequently between 40-70 years of age, but can affect people even younger such as our co-founder, Brian Wallach, who was 37 when he was diagnosed.

There are cures for ALS

Correct! Wrong!

Today, ALS is always deadly and there are limited treatment options for people living with the disease. However, we know more about ALS today than ever before -- changing it from a question of IF we will find treatments and cures to WHEN. You can help us change the world for people living with ALS by joining our revolution.

Most ALS patients live no more than five years

Correct! Wrong!

The average amount of time a person lives with ALS after diagnosis is 2-5 years.

If we find treatments and cures for ALS, we could unlock critical breakthroughs for diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, frontotemporal dementia and beyond.

Correct! Wrong!

Scientists believe that the causes of many neurodegenerative diseases are linked. That means curing one could unlock cures for all. Score!

What the heck is ALS?
Welcome to the ALS revolution
Thank you for taking action to help end ALS. It may seem simple, but learning more is the first step in helping us put an end to this disease. And like you learned, ALS cures may lead to answers for other neurodegenerative diseases. Keep the momentum going -- send this quiz to your friends and family.

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