
Request a Panel of People Impacted by ALS

There are some things you can’t learn from a lecture or textbook. You need to hear it from those living in the reality of ALS!  This is why the I AM ALS Community Outreach Team is offering the Tim Lowrey ALS Panel Series to bring in a virtual panel discussion for your group, class, association, organization or club. 

Panelists will:

  • Share stories of symptoms, diagnosis and living with ALS
  • Educate on how ALS impacts the lives of the people diagnosed and their loved ones
  • Offer best practices for engaging with people who cannot speak, walk or have different abilities
  • Answer questions and engage in dialogue from the group

The team is dedicated to working with you to tailor the experience for great outcomes and insights.

Watch a short demo of what you can expect from a panel:

To request a panel, fill out this form.

The Tim Lowrey ALS Panel Series is named after all-star panelist and advocate Tim Lowrey. Tim, who is living with ALS, began this panel series to help educate more people about ALS through their school or places of work. Fun fact: The first panel was hosted for pharmacists at Wegmans, where Tim formerly worked.

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