
Leanne’s Story

Welcome to the #Fight2EndALS campaign.

A group of incredible ALS advocates created this campaign to capture stories from real people living with and impacted by ALS in the hopes of spreading awareness and inspiring action.

This is Leanne’s story and with it we will pass the Promising Pathway Act!

You can help spread awareness and pass this bill by filling out this form to tweet this video and the below text to your US senators and representative.

The tweet: .{{@TwitterHandle}}, watch Leanne’s story https://youtu.be/GzlSNvKOrEk, and make sure no other family needs to learn the lessons ALS teaches by cosponsoring the Promising Pathways Act (H.R.3761) #EndALS #Fight2EndALS

These advocates set out to create change, and you can, too. We want you to be a part of the movement, because your voice is powerful.

Submit your story to be made into a video. Follow the step-by-step instructions on this form to get the process started: https://www.fight2endals.com/

And send a letter to your legislators asking them to support the Promising Pathway Act: https://www.iamals.org/action/promising-pathway-act/

We can’t wait to have you join us!

#Fight2EndALS #EndALS

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Join us for the 2024 Community Summit!

Join us in Washington DC from May 29th - June 2nd for the 3rd annual ALS Awareness Month flag display and inaugural Community Summit.

Learn more! Continue to the site