
DC ALS Awareness Event 2024


Dates: May 29-June 1, 2024

Location: Washington, DC

Welcome to I AM ALS’s inaugural Community Summit and third annual DC ALS Awareness Event! 

In 2022 & 2023, I AM ALS hosted the community and 6,000 flags on the National Mall, honoring those living with ALS, those we have lost to ALS, and those who are ALS gene carriers. We hosted a speaking event at the flag display where community members could tell their story and raise awareness of ALS and the actions that need to be taken. In 2023, we added coordinated meetings between advocates and legislators to ensure Congress heard concerns and solutions directly from the ALS community.  

In 2024, I AM ALS will continue our previous year’s programs and also host our first ALS Community Summit. This summit will be a place for ALS advocates to meet, discuss, and learn from each other about the important issues facing the ALS community and develop tactics to address these issues. You are not going to want to miss this opportunity.

Like all I AM ALS initiatives, we could not do this without you. There are plenty of ways to plug in:

Attend the ALS Summit in Washington, DC:

You should check this box if you would like to attend the ALS Summit. We have to provide our hosts with the names of everyone who will be attending. If you are coming with more than one person, each individual must submit a form.

Set up flags:

On May 29, I AM ALS will meet advocates on the National Mall at 10 am ET to plant 6,000 flags on the National Mall. Warning: This work entails crouching or getting on the ground and lots of sunscreen. If you haven’t submitted yours or a loved one’s name, please do so here: https://www.iamals.org/action/2024flag/  

Attend flag event:

On May 30, I AM ALS will host an event at the flag display on the Mall at 10 am ET.  There will be room for wheelchairs as well as limited seating.

Speak at flag event:

On May 30 at 10 am ET at I AM ALS’ flag display, we will have our annual opportunity for ALS advocates to share their own story. If you would like to speak, please check that box to the right. Here is 2023’s speaker series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taaAkVMk1eQ 

Raise ALS awareness:

From May 30-June 1, I AM ALS will have a flag display on the National Mall, which will be visible to explain it to passersby. That’s where you come in! We need volunteers to pass out educational material to raise ALS awareness! Don’t worry, there will be a training session! 

Take down flags:

On June 1 at 3 pm ET, I AM ALS will take down the flags. Let us know if you would like to help! This time is weather dependent. Summer storms may move this time earlier or later. 

Create flags:

Each year people living with or impacted by ALS discover I AM ALS’ flag display. We want to include them. We will need volunteers to guide people in writing their or their loved one’s name on blank flags that we will provide and plant it in the ground. Want to help?

Legislative advocacy:

I AM ALS will be helping advocates prepare to meet with their legislators. If you’d like to meet with your U.S. Senators and Representatives to advocate for the legislative priorities we have been working on as a community including critical funding for programs including ACT for ALS, click this box.

Virtually attend the ALS Summit:

You should check this box if you would like to virtually attend the ALS Summit.

Be a buddy:

Have you been to our flag event before? Are you a seasoned ALS advocate? Would you like to help someone who hasn’t been to this event navigate this space? If so, check here.

I need a buddy:

Are you new to ALS advocacy? Never been to DC? Want someone to answer your questions or connect with once you are in DC? Click here and I AM ALS will connect you with another ALS advocate!

Community Connector:

At the ALS Summit, there will be a room set aside for people to decompress, make connections, and learn about services and resources. We want to make sure everyone feels welcomed at the summit by having community members monitor the space and check in with those who may need assistance.

We hope to see you there!

Huge thank you to our Summit supporters:


Thank you to our community partners for collaboration and promotion of this event:



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